The tragic loss of former Hills student, Jack Merritt
We are deeply saddened by the sudden and untimely death of 25-year-old Jack Merritt, former Hills Road Sixth Form College student from 2011 to 2013.
From the first time we met Jack, it was clear that his dream was to study Law at University. While at the College, he developed a keen interest in his A level subjects, Economics, Government and Politics, Philosophy and History, and he enjoyed being able to discuss and debate issues that he felt strongly about.
Combined with his academic studies, Jack also completed Enrichment courses in Chemical Photography and Basketball. He was also interested in fashion and created streetwear-inspired t-shirts for his Extended Project Qualification. Outside of his studies, he wrote articles for an online fashion magazine and attended London Fashion Week as a journalist.
Jack left Hills Road to study law at the University of Manchester, graduating in 2016. He went on to study at the University of Cambridge, completing a Master's in Criminology and found his vocation in working to understand the underlying causes behind prison statistics.
Jack became a course coordinator for the University of Cambridge's prison rehabilitation programme, running the Learning Together project, which provides students and offenders with the chance to study alongside one another to help reduce re-offending.
Principal, Jo Trump said: “There is no way to shape this tragedy meaningfully. It was a senseless act. What we do know from Jack's incredible example, is that he knew and lived the values of community: serving those less fortunate than himself with compassion, courage and kindness. He is a young man of whom we can all be deeply proud."
"Jack’s commitment and humanity shone out. He believed in the best in people and was the best of people. The life of the whole Hills Road community is the poorer for his loss, and we shall continue to champion the values that Jack lived. Our love and thoughts are with his father and mother, Dave and Anne, and with the rest of his family and friends.”